10 Tips for Turning an Internship into a Full-Time Job

For eager university students, and recent grads, the internship can be a stepping stone that provides valuable work experience. Or, with skill and a little hustle, it can result in a full-time job. If you’re ready to land your first ‘proper’ job, and you’re hoping it will be with the company you’re interning with, read on for ten tips to help you secure that job offer.


Tip: Why not take an English course to benefit your career (and become an invaluable employee) and secure yourself an internship at a global company, this way a full-time job could result in a move abroad!


1. Make sure you want the job


It seems obvious, but make sure you actually want a job with the company you’ve been interning for. The familiar can be alluring, but make sure the job actually aligns with your career goals. Would you be better off staying put, or moving into a more suitable job with another company?


2. Let your manager know you’re interested


If you decide you’d like your internship to transition into a job, let your manager know well before your internship ends. Just be aware that after you’ve relayed your interest, you’ll be on your manager’s radar, and he or she will be evaluating your performance even more closely to determine whether you’d be a good fit. Time to shine!


3. Don’t be an attention seeker


No one ever scored points or won respect by running around shouting, “Look at me, look at me!” That’s what you’re doing, metaphorically speaking, when you constantly seek attention in hopes of landing a job. You may also be alienating fellow interns or coworkers.




4. Show your passion for the work


Instead of trying to draw attention by talking yourself up, prove that you’re indispensable. Seek out opportunities to learn new skills. Listen when your manager and co-workers talk and do your best to learn what the company’s needs are, then work to find ways you can help fill them. Seek out extra projects, and don’t be afraid to share your ideas when you have them.


Internship - show passion for your work
If you're passionate about the role then show it 


5. Show an interest in your coworkers


Some people are naturally likeable. What do those people have that makes others think so highly of them? They’re interested in other people. People who talk to their colleagues, ask questions and show a genuine interest in getting to know others are the easiest to like. Here are some tips on how to talk about yourself in English.


6. Don’t speak badly of others


Okay, so that other intern isn’t exactly pulling his or her weight. You know it. Some of your colleagues probably do, too. It may be tempting to talk about this person’s shortcomings with others, but resist the urge; you’ll only come across as a gossip or backstabber. If the problem of a slacker colleague is truly impacting your work or making you look bad, there are some steps you can take to deal with it. Just make sure grumbling to other coworkers isn’t one of them.


7. Network outside the office


Is there a company team-building event happening? An after-work party? Have you been invited to join some of your colleagues for work drinks? Go! Fitting in with the company culture is more important than ever these days, so it pays to make an effort to socialize even when you just want to go home and curl up with a good book.


Internship - network outside the office
Socialize with colleagues out of the office to further build relationships 


8. Keep track of your progress and accomplishments


Don’t rely on others to notice how hard you’re working. Although you may be closely scrutinized, you’re just as likely to have your efforts go unheeded. Keep track of your accomplishments. If possible, use data to support your claims. Be prepared to do a little self-promotion when you’re ready to make your pitch for a permanent position.


9. Find a mentor


See if you can turn one of your coworkers into a mentor. This person should have talents that align with your career goals. Ideally, they’ll also be the sort of person who’s not ultra-competitive and tends to naturally have good things to say about others. If your mentor is a former intern who was promoted to a regular full-timer, all the better—you can learn about their experiences turning an internship into a permanent job.


10. Do the work no one else wants to do


Internships can mean doing menial work. (Hey, someone’s gotta do it, right?) You’re a newbie, so consider doing those boring chores no one else wants to do as a means of paying your dues. Remember how we talked about being likeable? When you take on that data entry task, freeing your colleague to concentrate on more important work, you’ll be winning a friend. It never hurts to be known as someone with a strong work ethic.


If you truly want the full-time job, boost your chances of being asked to stay. When you’re ready, take some time to hone your elevator pitch, and then make your intentions known. The future awaits!


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